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Valley View Community Primary School



At Valley View we are fully committed to being a key part of the local community and so we welcome the opportunity for parents/carers to come into school and volunteer. We currently have a wide range of volunteers in school who help to enrich our children’s learning by listening to them read or by simply being an extra pair of hands in class.

At the current time we have a number of volunteers who are with us for a range of reasons.

  • Some are parent volunteers who like to help out on an occasional basis.
  • Some are students who are taking part in a Teaching Assistant training course and using our school as a placement. In this situation the college they study with takes up references and CRB checks.
  • Some are part of the VRH scheme which supports reading in schools. The VRH charity trains volunteers to hear three children read twice each week.
  • Some are ex staff who have opted to keep their connection with school through volunteering.
  • Some are parents or carers who have offered to share specific skills or strengths with our school. 

If you are interested in volunteering please contact the school office and discuss this with the Headteacher. We will be very glad to welcome you. Usually we suggest that you volunteer in a part of school away from your own child or children. We often find that this is fairer on both of you as it allows you to separate parenting from volunteering.

The other way that parents and carers can become involved in school is through the work of Valley View Friends (our PTA). If you would like to volunteer for one of their events in school or become a member of the PTA then please give the school office a call or simply follow this link to the PTA page for more information.