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Valley View Community Primary School

Art and Design

Art and Design


At Valley View, our aim is that children are curious, confident and inspired learners. We place emphasis on exploratory journeys, working towards varied and individual outcomes.  Children will learn about great artists, craft makers and designers that reflect the diversity of our locality. Children will learn to appreciate art in all its forms and think in a deep and meaningful way. Our topics will encourage all children to collaborate, share and understand that we are better when we work together. Children will have a voice, know what art means to them and how art can be used to support their own well-being. Children will become reflective learners, who can face challenges with resilience and develop a lifelong love art.



At Valley View, we follow the scheme Access Art. We follow the split curriculum where art is taught 3 half terms over the year. Each year group follows the same three pathways. (Drawing and Sketchbooks, Surface and Colour and Working in 3D) Staff follow a comprehensive progression document. Following this, children build skills and knowledge through a combination of opportunities for repeated practice and new projects. There will be opportunities for children to develop the skills needed to succeed and become lifelong learners. As art is subjective and experiential, knowledge is best understood when the knowledge is embedded in experience. Teachers will explore alongside children, modelling an attitude of curiosity, risk-taking and reflection.


Art and Design Progression Document