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Valley View Community Primary School

MFL - Spanish

MFL - Spanish



At Valley View we aim for our children to develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about learning a foreign language. Through a stimulating, relevant and ambitious curriculum, we will develop learners who are not only excellent communicators but who also show great resilience and perseverance.

Learning another language will offer our pupils the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity. This will enable our children to develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them. By the end the primary school years, we will have equipped our children to be able to express their ideas and thoughts in another language, allowing them to have a voice in our ever-changing world as well as instilling a love for life-long learning.



We offer an engaging, high-quality foreign languages curriculum using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. We have created a progression document for staff to follow which will ensure that every element of the Spanish curriculum is not only covered but embedded. There will be regular opportunities during weekly sessions for children to retrieve previously taught words and phrases before acquiring new skills and challenges. Each session involves speaking, listening and writing opportunities in which the children are given spoken models to copy, helping them develop their own fluency and pronunciation. Each lesson also includes time for children to join in and respond to songs and rhyme.

Our lessons offer appropriate levels of challenge and stretch to ensure pupils learn effectively and continuously, providing them with skills needed to succeed and grow into lifelong language learners.


MFL Progression Document