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Valley View Community Primary School

Meals & Menu

Meals & Menu

We have our own kitchen within school which is currently run by Leeds City Council’s School Meal Service. They employ a dedicated team who ensure that all children in school get a well-balanced meal at dinner time.

Here’s what they have to say:

  • Our school menus have been designed and developed by our qualified food technologist, to provide nutritionally balanced, delicious and healthy choices for your child.
  • All food must adhere to our ingredients and food additive policy before appearing on our menus.
  • Wherever possible we use locally grown seasonal fruit and veg and our fresh meat is purchased from carefully selected suppliers.
  • We value and celebrate the cultural diversity within Leeds and as such provide meals that cater for all.
  • We can also provide meals for those with special dietary needs.

Children are offered a choice of main courses and puddings, including salads and fresh fruit. Each day children can choose from a selection of four meals at the beginning of the day. We have a meat dish (red option), a vegetarian dish (green option), and a sandwich/jacket potato (yellow option). Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 currently get free school meals through the Universal Free School Meals initiative. For children in Key Stage 2 the current cost of a school meal is £2.44.

The menu runs on a three weekly programme.  To download a copy of the menu please click on the link below.

PDF icon September 2024


Packed Lunches

Children may choose to bring a packed lunch rather than have a school dinner. Foods such as sweets and chocolates are not permitted as we believe that diet and nutrition are closely linked to behaviour and a child’s ability to learn.

Break and Snack

Thanks to a Government scheme all our children under seven (EYFS and KS1) get a piece of fruit or vegetable every day. Older children are invited to bring fruit or vegetables to school as a snack at break-times and fresh water is available via various water fountains placed throughout school.


All children at Valley View, of any age are offered the chance to have milk. For children who are entitled to Free School Meals (not Universal Free School Meals) there is no charge for milk. For all other children there is a small charge of around £10.00 per term as Leeds City Council make use of an EU subsidy to pay the majority of the cost. 

Free School Meals

Children may be eligible for free school meals if their parents or carers receive any of the following benefits:

  • income support
  • income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • income based Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190
  • the guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with an annual income of less than £7,400

Children in Key Stage 1 are able to have meals for free under the government scheme Universal Free School Meals, however, if you receive the benefits shown above, you should still register for free school meals. This is so your school can claim funding to support your child at school.  To apply click on the link below. 


If you are unable to complete an online form please visit the school office or alternatively click the link below.

FSM application