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Valley View Community Primary School

PE & Sport

PE and Sport at Valley View

Our Vision

To support children to be active, lead a healthy lifestyle and achieve their best through high quality PE and sport.

Sports Premium Funding

From September 2013 schools have received £8,000 (plus £5 per pupil between the ages for 5 -11) to improve sport and PE in primary schools. At Valley View we have used the money in the following way to support our teachers to deliver high quality PE and to provide our children with opportunities to be active, healthy and achieve the best they can.

Please click on the links below to view our previous Sports Premium Funding.

PDF icon  2023-2024

PDF icon  2022-2023

PDF icon  2021-2022

PDF icon  2019-2020

PDF icon  2018-2019

PDF icon  2017-2018

PDF icon  2016-2017

PDF icon  2015 - 2016

Word icon  2014 - 2015

Word icon  2013 - 2014

Curriculum PE

At Valley View we offer a variety of activities in our PE curriculum including gymnastics, dance, invasion games, athletics, swimming, cricket and tennis. We want our children to be confidant movers and participate in PE enthusiastically and know the benefits of leading an active and healthy lifestyle. We introduce the children to competition through intra-school events (competitions within school). We teach children to try their best, show good sportsmanship and be good winners and gracious losers.


Our sports facilities include two halls. We also have two playgrounds and two large fields to work on. To promote healthy and active playtimes we also have two trim trails.

Sports Staff

PE and sport is taught by different adults. Class teachers may teach their classes or work alongside specialist sports coaches to deliver high quality PE. In addition to this staff are supported by a specialist PE expert from Leeds West Academy who works in school two hours a week. We also have a qualified swimming instructor who leads our swimming.  All teaching staff are trained in the use of our 'Real PE' teaching scheme.

School Sport (including competitions)

At Valley View we are incredibly proud of our extra curricular sporting activities and achievements. We have achieved a Platinum Award for Sport every year since 2018 (except Covid times). We attend sports events regularly and aim to involve as many children as possible. Match reports can be found in the Valley View Voice. We have strong links with local sports clubs such as Stanningley Rugby Club and are members of British Gymnastics, Netball England, Youth Sport Trust and Sainsbury's School Games. We also celebrate out of school sporting achievements in our 'celebration assemblies' on Fridays.
